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Alex Caruso A Lakers Nightmare

Alex Caruso: A Lakers Nightmare

Heading into Thursday's matchup, Alex Caruso has been a problem for the Lakers.

Caruso has averaged 102 points, 53 rebounds, and 32 assists in six career games against the Lakers.

That's an average of 17 points, 8.8 rebounds, and 5.3 assists per game.

Caruso has also shot 47.6% from the field and 40.0% from three-point range against the Lakers.

The Lakers will need to find a way to slow down Caruso on Thursday if they want to avoid another loss to the Bulls.

Caruso is a key part of the Bulls' offense, and he can hurt the Lakers in a variety of ways.

He can score from inside and outside, and he is also a good passer and rebounder.

The Lakers will need to be aware of Caruso's strengths and weaknesses if they want to stop him.

One way to stop Caruso is to limit his touches.

The Lakers can do this by guarding him closely and not allowing him to get open looks.

They can also try to force him into turnovers by pressuring him with the ball.

Another way to stop Caruso is to make him work on defense.

The Lakers can do this by posting him up and making him guard bigger players.

They can also try to run him off screens and make him chase shooters.

If the Lakers can make Caruso work on defense, it will tire him out and make him less effective on offense.

The Lakers will need to play their best game on Thursday if they want to avoid another loss to the Bulls.

Caruso is a key part of the Bulls' offense, and he will be looking to add to his impressive career totals against the Lakers.
